Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Hello plants!

So I added that last post really late, and I already have an update for my plants!

 My tomatoes are DELICIOUS! Since I bought the plant from a greenhouse, they were already growing before I got them. So I woke up one day for work, and noticed thee was more than just green in my plant! I was so excited! 

A few days later they were even more red! Yum, time to eat!

I had to decide how I wanted to eat my first garden tomatoes! I wanted them to be the least changed from their awesomeness as possible. I made delicious Fort McMurray-Famous Sunshine Bread (recipe will come later) and warmed the sliced tomatoes up in a little bit of olive oil on the stove.


1 comment:

  1. would love to have a recipe for the sunshine bread!! I grew up in fort mcmurray and hands down this is what i miss most!
