Monday, August 8, 2011

Gardening: The Verdict

Today is my last full day in Canada before I take off for Belize until January  - so I had to harvest the last of my garden, even though some of the carrots could have used a little more time.

Either way, it all turned out great! I had fun gardening, it was definitely a confidence booster about my gardening abilities. The last time I gardened, Kelsi and I were maybe 12 and we tried to plant flowers in a dead patch of ground next to my play house, but it was completely shaded by a) the play house and b) all the trees around it. It didn't seem to occur to us that sunflowers wouldn't grow without sun! So that was less than successful so I was a bit hesitant this year but wanted to try anyway.

And it worked out! Here's what I got (along with lots of pretty flowers all throughout the summer, including these white and purple ones that I will definitely plant again. They bloomed 4 times between May and August!)


These were ready first because I bought them already growing from the greenhouse in town. They were delicious but unfortunately I wasted a lot because I didn't get around to making salsa in time. Definitely worth buying already growing since I'm new to the gardening thing and they were pretty easy to keep alive. Just lots and lots of water since it's a big plant. Anyone have experience with those hanging ones from the TV? I wonder if those are good too..

I only grew two, one in each pot, and they are beautiful! Next time I would love to plant a ton of these in the ground all along a fence. Just need to get my own yard...

Sunflowers are my favourite flower in the world and it made me so happy to see these bloom.

Onions are probably one of my top 3 favourite vegetables I'd say - most things I cook have onions in them. And these were such a treat! I grew 3 per pot, which seemed to be the limit. They were so tasty in a curry I made, and then on nachos! Not going to lie, I definitely was eating some raw while I was cooking, they were that good.


These are just mini because I planted them in a short, long type container, so I got the mini versions. And they were just yummy! One of my favourite memories of my childhood is eating carrot's out of Kelsi's dad's garden. Pull out the carrot, wash it off with the hose, and chow down - best way to eat a carrot. Still tastes faintly like earth but always crisp and awesome. YUM! I pulled these right before we took off to drive to Edmonton, so they made a great car snack.

Things that didn't work:
-Squash.  I tried to grow two butternut squash plants, but they shriveled in the crazy heat we had in June. We didn't get rain for about a month and it was just too hot for them. Their poor little leaves curled in and died. Will try again next time and remember to shade them a little sometimes!
-Jalepeno. Ha ha, this was a long shot anyway. One tiny jalepeno plant - needed more attention than I gave it.

Dreams for future gardening adventures
- Bigger! I figure for the amount of work watering an extra dozen plants, I will definitely be making a bigger garden next time. Obviously it depends on my home,yard, balcony situation but this is the dream section right?
- Squash, potatoes and zucchini. More veggies are always a good thing!
- More wildflowers. I have a dream of a yard full of wild, local grasses and flowers - one day...
- Greenhouse so I can start plants while it's still cold in this canadian spring

So all in all, great experiences with gardening this year! Looking forward to trying it again soon!

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