Monday, October 10, 2011

A Thanksgiving Blessing

A prayer/blessing/wish for you and your kitchens on this weekend of food, family and friends:

May this kitchen be so filled with peace
That all who eat food prepared here receive peace
May this kitchen be so filled with happiness
That all who eat food prepared here receive happiness
May this kitchen be so filled with good will
That working here is a joy
Bless this kitchen
Bless all work work here
Bless the food that is prepared here
May this kitchen and the work done here be a blessing to all who live.

From May All Be Fed by John Robbins

Happy Thanksgiving everyone - remember to carry this feeling of gratitude for your friends, family, health and food with you throughout the year. We are blessed to have delicious, healthy food to nourish us and to share with people we love and who love us. Enjoy it today, and enjoy it every day <3 

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