Sunday, October 30, 2011

Al & K's Cilantro Coconut Curry

L to R: Kathleen, Tom, Greg, Allison
Allison and Kathleen are a couple of the lovely new friends I have made here  - who also appreciates how much fun cooking together is!

Kathleen and I bake bread and cakes a lot, and Al and I decided to make a big group dinner last week. They live with 3 guys as well, all volunteers with Jesuit Volunteers International, so they take turns making dinner for everyone, it was really fun to take part! Who doesn't love eating with a table full of friends?

 Here is the delicious curry recipe we created, after abandoning all the recipes we had been reading.

Al & K's Cilantro Coconut Curry

Cilantro Mix:
Approx 11/2 cups coconut milk
1 small bunch of cilantro (if you also happen to be in PG: $1 worth)
Juice of one lime
1 clove of garlic
1" chopped fresh ginger root

Main Dish:
Olive oil to saute
3-4 cloves of garlic
1 large onion, diced
1 large carrot
3 medium tomatos
2 diced bell peppers (we used green)
1 can chickpeas
3 tsp curry powder
1 tsp tumeric
salt to taste
1 cup coconut ilk

Brown or white rice (1/2 cup dry per person)

How to do it:
Chop and add all "Cilantro Mix" ingredients to a blender and blend until it smells like heaven. (Leave out the cilantro if you are Alix or Jessica ;) Set aside.

Over medium heat, sauté minced garlic 30 seconds, and add diced onion. Sauté until translucent. Add carrot, tomatoes and peppers (and any other veggies you want - we considered beans, potato or peas) and let cook a while until carrots are soft. Add chickpeas (and/or chicken, tofu) and let warm/brown 3-5 minutes. Add the curry powder, turmeric and salt, let it toast for about a minute.

Add 1 cup of coconut milk and stir to mix the colour and awesome flavours. Bring to a boil for about 2 minutes. Start by adding half of the blended mix, taste and more if desired. Let the flavours mix until it gets even more delicious.

Serve over brown or white rice. It was great with the brown rice, but an alternative is to make jasmine, basmati or plain white rice and mix it with the rest of the cilantro mix to make coconut rice, also yummy!

Last step: Enjoy with friends.

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