Sunday, May 15, 2011

Pita Chips & Blogging!

So I have recently become addicted to scouring the internet for food blogs and of course that means I'm also cooking a lot! So between great recipes from food blogs and the great cookbooks people help me find - I have so seriously delicious food to share with you all! I also have lots of other things to share as well, things that colour my world. Things like great books and interesting and enlightening videos! Most recently, I've started gardening for the first time ever, other than a sad little flower garden my friend I planted in the shade next to my playhouse when we were little. Hopefully my thumb has gotten a little greener since then! All these things add colour my days, so I decided to start blogging to share them with my friends and family, I hope you enjoy!! 

So to start off this blog of things that colour my world, here's one of my favourite snacks, and it's super easy! 

Pita Chips
All the ingredients you need
  • Bag of pita chips I usually use one of the giant bags, so I can make a lot! This bag can be fresh or even older pitas that you want to use up before they go bad! They taste great no matter what. 
  • Olive Oil 
  • Parmesan Cheese Now, fresh cheese is best for almost all recipes but not this one. Get the dried pre-shredded stuff.
  • Garlic Salt
  • Oregano
  • Cookie Sheets Preferably with parchment paper!
  • Scissors Remember to clean them before you use them on food! 
Step Two
1. Preheat over to 400 degrees, and get cookie sheets out and put parchment paper on if you have it. 
2. Open pitas or cut the edges off. Fresh pitas are easily pulled apart without ripping them, but older ones can be cut. Using scissors cut around the edge so that the pita can be pulled apart to get two round pieces. 
3. Brush or spray the inside-side of the pita with olive oil.
4. Cut the pitas into chip size pieces (I usually cut it in half, to make a semi circle. Then cut that in half, and into triangles, some of which need to be cut in half again because they're too big.)
5. Spread out evenly on the cookies sheets, with the inside, olive oil side up. 
6. Sprinkle with garlic salt, and then Parmesan and oregano. All to your own taste! 
7. Bake for 4 to 5 minutes at 400 F. Really watch your chips, they can burn really fast. You want them to be brown and crunchy and chip-y. Cooked too little and they'll still be chewy, cooked too much and they'll be burnt. 
8. Remove and let cool for a couple minutes, before you serve with salsa, hummus or your favourite dips! I usually store them in the plastic bag the pitas came in to help them stay fresh. 

Enjoy this delicious and easy snack (that's definitely healthier than regular chips, and equally as delicious!) 

Yum Yum! 

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